Braille Music Library
Below are braille music scores provided in our project. Most of them are my transcriptions, either from notation files or by my mother’s reading. A small number of them were transcribed by a foreign volunteer free of charge. Every item has its work title and the corresponding project item number.
Quick Browse By Categories
Keyboards | Strings | Winds | Percussion |
Vocal | Chamber | Orchestra | Theory |
Besides the scores listed here, there’s also a set of scores of Chinese repertoire and textbooks. Most of their contents are completely in Chinese, so are only available on Chinese version of this page. If you know Chinese, you can browse all these scores here.
Also, here’s a dedicated Scores Reformed Library, where you can benefit from my transcriptions of scores from a very kind UK publisher Scores Reformed.
A dedicated Steve Gardiner’s “BrailleScore Project” Libraryis also available.
Braille Music Score List
- 1. You can download the latest catalogue using the following link in all browsers except Chrome (NB: if using Chrome, right-click the link, choose “Save link as…”, and select a folder to save the file on your computer).
- 2. This file contains two worksheets, one ReadMe and the other Score List. To navigate between these two sheets, please use CTRL+PageUp and CTRL+PageDown.
Download The Full Catalog Of Score List (Excel File)